About Course
5-day course focusing on HVM operations, cleanroom control, quality control, problem-solving, and effective communication. Designed for tool machinists, manufacturing associates, supervisors, and operators. No prerequisites required.
- Course outline covers modules on introduction and overview, basic English and effective communication skills, statistical process control (SPC), cleanroom engineering and manufacturing shop-floor system, basic yield and quality control in HVM, and a final test to recap all modules.
- Practical workshops and interactive sessions enhance learning.
- Enroll in this course to gain essential knowledge and skills for high volume manufacturing digitization, improving productivity, quality control, and effective communication in the HVM environment.
Course Objectives:
- Understanding the basic foundation of a High Volume Manufacturing (HVM) operation.
- Learning and understanding of the HVM basic foundation of system and control related to Cleanroom, Process and Quality Control.
- Learning and understanding of the basic foundation of the problem solving tools and approach.
- Learning and understanding of the basic foundation of the effective communication in English for the HVM operation.
- First level awareness about the HVM operation and expectation.
- Ability to comply to HVM standard operating procedures (SOP) related to cleanroom or shop-floor control and work environment
- Ability to support the next level expectation such as Supervisor, Engineers and management team in producing high quality products and self-awareness on quality control and problem solving for yield, productivity improvements
Who Should Attend?
Tool Machinist, Manufacturing Associate, Floor Supervisor, Production Operators
Course Curriculum
- Learning Objective and key takeaways
- Mission, Vision, Goals – Ice breaking session
- Discussion # 1
- Basic English
- Reading skills
- Translation skills
- Understanding skills
- Writing skills
- Listening skills - Basic English term for Engineering
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Electronics
- Products specifications - Basic English term for Manufacturing
- Key metrics or KPIs indicators terms
- Key controls parameters terms
- Shop-floor system or MES - Workshop #1
- Learning point # 1
- Discussion # 2
- What is SPC?
- What is Process Variations?
- What is SPC Control Chart?
- Control chart variables
- Control chart pattern - Why SPC is important in HVM?
- How the SPC process flow works?
- Who is the Person In Charge (PIC)?
- Workshop # 2
- SPC chart plotting
- Calculate SPC variables
- Calculate UCL,LCL
- Calculate CpK - Learning point # 2
- Discussion # 3
- What is Cleanroom Technology?
- Why we need Cleanroom to build a products in the HVM shop-floor system?
- Cleanroom classes
- What it means by Cleanliness or Contamination control for a Cleanroom shop-floor environment?
- What it means by ESD control in Cleanroom environment?
- The Dos and Dons for Cleanroom environment
- Other key controls for Manufacturing Shop-Floor work area
- Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
- Lot traveller control
- Inventory and material control - Workshop # 3
- Learning point # 3
- Discussion # 4
- Yield
- Why SPC is important in HVM?
- What is Yield?
- What is defect or reject?
- Why 100% Yield is important to achieve in HVM?
- How to calculate a Yield?
- What is the difference between Assembly, Test Yield, Thruput Yield, and Final pass Yield
- Who responsible for 100% Yield? - Quality
- What is Quality control?
- Why must achieve 100% Quality level?
- Various Quality metrics (ppm, % failure)
- What AQL means?
- AQL table interpretation
- Who responsible for 100% Quality level? - Workshop # 4
- Learning point # 4
- Recap for Day 1,2, 3 & 4 – Final
- Q&A
- Group presentation (Key lesson learnt and commitment)
- Group Assessment & Test
- End class